Monday, January 16, 2012

Yellow Beauty's Question

First, my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. My computer had other plans for me apparently. : )
For professional baker's we have it easy. We are able to plan ahead, have all the recipes right there, and simply call in to order what we need and then they even deliver it the next day! Nice!!!
But what about baking at home?
Especially if you are starting from scratch?
Which, I got to experience recently. : ) Quite the experience.
There are two approaches that I take to getting ingredients. The main one, if you are only doing a few recipes, I would just take the actual recipe in the store with you. That way you don't short yourself on an integral ingredient or forget that one item that always seems to be forgotten and believe me, I have made countless return trips to the store for just that item. But, taking the recipes with you has definitely helped me out with that.
The other approach is a more long term approach to shopping. I go to specialty stores as often as I can and by specialty, I mean literally just spices or just chocolate or a flour mill. That gives you the chance to establish a relationship with the smaller stores and instead of supporting the larger chain stores, you are supporting the small business owners. Plus, one perk of the smaller stores is they tend to be knowledgeable in their product and can offer substitutions or other tips to help you get to where you want to be!
Hope that answered your question! It was a good one!

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